Garden Party May 4 * PFoD May 17 & 18 * Santikaro at PFoD May 18 * Retreat at Birken Forest Monastery * Monastics Leaving and Arriving

May Events Begin with Garden Party on the 4th
Garden Party @ Hermitage
May 4
11:00 am: Potluck (optional) — Arrive by 10:30 am if you’re bringing food
1:00-3:00 pm: Yard work and projects
3:00-4:00 pm: Tea and refreshments
Monks @ Portland Friends of the Dhamma (PFoD)
May 17 & 18
5:30 pm: Tea/Questions
7:00-9:00 pm: Meditation/Dhamma talk
SPECIAL — 9:00-10:30 am: Santikaro*
10:30 am: Almsround
11:00 am-1:00 pm: Meal Offering
* Note: Santikaro is a disciple of Ajahn Buddhadasa and was one of Ajahn Sudanto’s first monastic teachers.
Thank You, Ajahn Kassapo!

Our thanks to Ajahn Kassapo for spending the last year at the Hermitage. Although not much of a talker, he taught with his quiet and contemplative ways, as well as his steady and kind demeanor. And, he provided immeasurable help to Ajahn Sudanto in taking care of the Hermitage.
Ajahn Jotipalo, Venerable Khantiko and Venerable Gunaviro at Hermitage
Two familiar monks return along with one monk who hasn’t stayed at the Hermitage before. Ajahn Jotipalo will be here for about one month, and Venerable Khantiko and Gunaviro will stay for a longer period. Welcome back and welcome!
Venerable Khantiko

Ven. Khantiko was born in 1979 and raised in Nashville, TN. After graduating from the Graduate Theological Union/Institute of Buddhist Studies in Berkeley, CA, he decided to pursue monastic training and arrived at Abhayagiri in December 2012. He went forth as an Anāgārika on May 5, 2013, took Sāmaṇera ordination on May 17, 2014, and took the full Bhikkhu precepts on June 9, 2015.
Venerable Guṇavīro

Ven. Guṇavīro was born in 1982 in the Los Angeles area. In 2002, he began meditating after taking a meditation course in the tradition of Sayagi U Ba Khin as taught by S.N. Goenka. He then continued to practice and serve meditation courses in that tradition. He worked in advocacy, government, and international development before returning to graduate school and receiving a PhD in economics. Toward the end of graduate school, he began seriously considering the monastic life as the most effective way to reduce suffering in the world and in himself. He ordained as an anagārika on May 7th, 2016, went forth as a Sāmaṇera on May 6th, 2017, and took full Bhikkhu precepts on May 13, 2018.
Ajahn Sudanto and Lay Participants Off to Birken Retreat
The annual Birken Forest Monastery retreat for the Pacific Hermitage lay community is May 1-15 this year. A group of 24 will be going. The 2019 retreat theme is Right Effort.