Sept 7 Garden Party | Sept. 20 PFoD | Sept. 21 & 22: Retreat & Pah Bah (see update in Pah Bah article below)

Garden Party is September 7
Come to the Hermitage to share in a potluck meal and help finish yard work and preparations for our monastic Pah Bah guests. You can come for any part or all of the activities. Information: contact the hermitage
Potluck Meal — Arrive at 10:30 am (please tell dana coordinator if you’re participating)
Work Party — About 1:00 – 3:00 pm
Tea, Chat, Relax — Until 4:00 pm
Note: Bingen is having it’s Huckleberry Festival that weekend and traffic through Bingen on Hwy. 14 may be disrupted for a bit that morning by the festival parade. If you take Dock Grade Road from Hwy. 14 to White Salmon, you’ll avoid the parade.
Annual Pah Bah: Join us September 21 & 22
The big news for September is always the Pah Bah weekend, including a half-day meditation retreat on Saturday and the Pah Bah meal offering and traditional ceremony on Sunday. Details and schedule here. Twelve monks will join be here for the weekend, including Luang Por Pasanno, Ajahn Jayanto, Ajahn Karunadhammo, Ajahn Sek and Ajahn Caganando. Information:
UPDATE: There will be a Children’s/Family Area downstairs during Sunday’s Pah Bah ceremony. No adult supervision or organized programs are planned, but there will be books, toys and games.
Friday Night at PFoD on September 20
The Pacific Hermitage monks will be joined by Luang Por Pasanno, Ajahn Jayanto, and several other visiting monastics from Abhayagiri and Temple Forest Monastery for their regular visit to Portland Friends of the Dhamma. Information at PFoD website. Note: Friday only. Saturday activities are cancelled, due to the Pah Bah retreat.
Water System Upgrades Underway
There has been quite a bit of trenching and laying of conduit over the past few weeks. The Hermitage water system is getting an upgrade. The new system will improve water flow to the existing building and landscaping, increase water storage capacity, allow for a back-up system and provide water for the future Abbot’s kuti and Retreat House.
North American Abbots Meeting September 4 – 11
Ajahn Sudanto will be away September 4-11, attending what is now a regular annual event. This gathering of abbots or senior monks from North American monasteries is hosted at a different monastery in the U.S. or Canada each year. This year it will be at Arrow River Forest Hermitage in Northern Ontario, Canada.