Important Two-Day Garden (Work) Party! | PFoD Oct. 18, 19 & 20
Oct. 5 & 6 Garden Party: Wood for Winter!

October’s Garden Party is usually the last work party of each year, and it’s an important one. Important enough to warrant two days instead of one, and important enough that Ajahn Sudanto likes to give it it’s own name, “The Woodchucker’s Ball.”
There will be plenty of cutting, splitting, stacking and chucking (?) of wood. The monks rely on a wood stove to heat the main building, so this work is a very critical task. Please consider helping out with the wood gathering or several other lighter tasks to prepare the Hermitage for winter.
You can come for any part or all of the activities. Information: contact the hermitage
Potluck Meal* — Arrive at 10:30 am (please tell dana coordinator if you’re participating)
Work Party — About 1:00 – 3:00 pm
Tea, Chat, Relax — Until 4:00 pm
*On Sunday, October 6, Sanghata will provide the meal for the monks. Sanghata, Board of Stewards for the Hermitage, will hold a meeting at the Hermitage for several hours that day.
PFoD Visit Oct. 18 – 20 Includes Walk to Feed the Hungry & Sunday Sila
The regular Friday night and Saturday morning monastic visit with Portland Friends of the Dhamma will extend also to Sunday and include two additional events: Walk to Feed the Hungry (Saturday) and Sunday Sila.
Friday — Casual tea (5:30 – 6:30 pm) and meditation / Dhamma talk (7 – 9 pm)
Saturday — Meal offering (11:00 – noon), then Walk to Feed the Hungry (noon – 1 pm)
Sunday — Sunday Sila meditation and Dhamma talk (10:00 – 11:30 am)
More information at
A Lovely Pah Bah!

This year’s Pah Bah was another lovely gathering on Saturday for a half-day of meditation and the Sunday meal offering and Pah Bah ceremony. Luang Por Pasanno led the retreat and ceremony, and a total of 13 monastics shared in the event.
We’ll include a more details and photos in an upcoming web post. To make sure you receive email updates or mailings, please fill out the “PACIFIC HERMITAGE LIST SIGN-UP”.
Sanghata, the board of stewards for the Pacific Hermitage, thanks everyone for their incredible generosity.
The Pah Bah (literally “forest cloth”) offering is an event organized by lay people to gather together to offer cloth, appreciate the monks’ dedication, and to request teachings on the Dhamma. It offers an opportunity for all to gather together as a Buddhist community in the traditional season of providing monks’ requisites and celebrating their role as bearers of the Dhamma.