December 1, 2019 – March 31, 2020

A Time for Silence, Reflection and Renewal
Each year at this time, monks of this tradition enter more deeply into solitary and silent study and meditation. It’s an important time of reflection and renewal for them.
We can be helpful, during this time, by refraining from unnecessary conversation and requests for their time, even while offering alms food or meals. During the retreat, meal offerings will be scheduled only on Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays. The monks will rely on alms offerings Monday – Wednesday, and restaurant offerings on Friday. While food offerings are welcome anytime before noon, Ajahn Sudanto and the monks will only be receiving guests after the meals on Saturday and Sunday.
In addition Saturday and Sunday alms rounds will be suspended for the duration of the winter, making meal offerings at the hermitage those days the sole source for meals during the winter retreat.
Three Monks Will Be in Residence
Ajahn Sudanto, Ajahn Sek and Venerable Khantiko will reside at the Hermitage throughout the winter.
Venerable Gunaviro returned to Abhayagiri Monastery on November 22. Thank you for spending several months with us!

Ajahn Sek has now joined Ajahn Sudanto and Venerable Khantiko. We look forward to having him at the Hermitage through Winter Retreat.
Want to learn more about the resident monks? Click on “About Us.” You’ll also find background information about the Hermitage and the Thai Forest Tradition.
Tuesday Night Meditation Continues
Whether led by the monks or a community member, Tuesday night meditation at Yoga Samadhi will continue through winter. December and January the gatherings will be community led, and with Christmas and New Year’s Eve suspended for the holiday vacation. Please watch the website and calendar for details or cancellations (weather sometimes becomes an issue). It’s also a good idea to sign up to receive our emails.