Due to the current snow levels, the monks decided to delay a July 20th start of their PCT hike from White Pass to Stevens Pass. They are now planning to start the middle of next week, either July 27th or 28th, depending on the availability of a ride to White Pass.
Ven. Tissaro will be staying back at the hermitage, and Ajahn Sudanto and Ven. Suddhiko will be away until August 12th.
More details and the plan for the hike will be posted as soon as rides are finalized.
If people are interested in a day-trip to one of the trail crossings on the east side of Mt. Rainer, there are a couple opportunities to make a unique and highly appreciated meal offering en-route.
Contact hermitage@abhayagiri.org for more information.
August 13th Garden Party:
Since most of the monks will be away for the first Saturday of August. The monthly Garden Party is rescheduled for the first day back from the hiking trip, Saturday August 13th. It should be a nice time to gather at the hermitage, please join-in if you can.
NOTE: Tuesday night meditation sessions at Yoga Samadhi will continue as normal during Ajahn Sudanto's absence.