Mark Your Calendars for October 7 & 8
As is our tradition, the final Garden Party of the year is preparing for the winter by readying the wood needed to fuel the wood stove (a.k.a. the Woodchuckers’ Ball). This year, the majority of the work will be stacking the wood in a newly constructed wood shed.

There is quite a large pile of wood to stack, and having many folks in a line to pass the firewood will make light work of it – no special skills are needed.

The Details:
- Dates: Saturday, October 7th & Sunday, October 8th
- Time: 1:00 – 3:00 pm both days, followed by tea
Note: These are separate events from the meal offerings. If you are thinking of joining earlier for the meal, please contact the meal dana coordinators as usual,
This is a wonderful opportunity to joyfully offer generosity. And it’s a great day for the community to gather at the Hermitage while the weather is still good, and also to see Tan Suddhiko and Tan Parimutto before they return to Abhayagiri and Temple monasteries after the vassa. Anumodana!