Comings & Goings
As is customary, with the end of the Vassa there will be some comings and goings at the Hermitage. Tan Parimutto will return to Temple Forest Monastery on November 8th, and Tan Suddhiko will depart for Abhayagiri in early December. The community has been so grateful for their kind presence!
Ajahn Sudanto will be traveling to Thailand and Japan from early November to early January. We hope his journeys will be of great benefit and we look forward to his return.
We’re very excited that Ajahn Nyaniko, Abbot of Abhayagiri Monastery, will be visiting the Hermitage from December 1st – 7th. Also arriving from Abhayagiri on December 1st will be Tan Cittapālo and Tan Dhammavaro, who will both remain at the Hermitage through the winter. We look forward to welcoming them all! As always, there are opportunities to offer a meal on the weekends (calendar here) and join the monks on Tuesday evenings at Yoga Samadhi. Additionally, Ajahn Nyaniko will offer a daylong at Portland Friends of the Dhamma on December 3rd, details here.
A Beautiful Pah Bah
It was a great joy that so many in the community could attend this year’s Pah Bah on September 16th & 17th. Joining the Hermitage’s resident monks – Ajahn Sudanto, Tan Suddhiko, and Tan Parimutto – were ten monks from three different monasteries, including:
- From Abhayagiri: Luang Por Pasanno, Ajahn Sek, Ajahn Nyaniko, Ajahn Karunadhammo, Tan Jotimanto, Tan Dhammavaro, and Anagarika Max.
- From Temple: Ajahn Anando and Ajahn Caganando
- From Clear Mountain: Ajahn Nisabho
The weekend activities included a half-day meditation event on Saturday, and the meal offering and Pah Bah ceremony on Sunday. These auspicious occasions have occurred since the time of the Buddha, and they celebrate the interdependence of monastics and laity. The generous support of the community will contribute to a Monks’ Retreat House at the Hermitage in the future. Anumodana!

You can see more photos from the event by viewing this photo album.
2023 Garden Party Season
This year’s Garden Party season concluded in October with many in the community joining in to stack wood for the winter. Two newly built wood sheds were completely filled! Much gratitude for all those who worked diligently and with such care all year, taking care of the land and preparing the wood for the winter. Anumodana, may these generous acts be of great benefit.

The Abbot’s Kuti
Many Hermitage visitors have had the chance to see progress on the Abbot’s kuti along the way, and it is now close to complete. While there is still some finishing work to do, it’s expected to be completed by mid November.