Snow levels on the Pacific Crest Trail are improving with the full heat of summer now upon us. Likewise, the time to begin the Vassa retreat has also been quickly melting away.
Thursday July 28th Ajahn Sudanto and Venerable Suddhiko will begin a section hike on the PCT from White Pass aiming to finish August 10th in Stevens Pass, WA.
Many people came forward to help support with food, lodging, transportation, and most importantly remote meal offerings. Over 30 in total. Anumodana ! 🙏🏼
As the monks can’t store or cook food, a backpacking trip like this is only possible with the support of the lay community and several trail devas.
From White Pass to Snoqualmie Pass several have arranged to meet the monks at various trail crossings, or hike in food over a short distance.
At Snoqualmie Pass, after a meal offering with Ven. Nisabho and a few supporters from Seattle, the monks will be backpacking with Mike and Danny to Stevens Pass, a section with no road crossings.

Interactive Map and trail updates : https://www.gaiagps.com/public/N6B8KdwxPzL2R4pGGzq7xyPN
Venerable Nisabho, from Clear Mountain Monastery has been generous, reaching out to the sangha in the Seattle area for support. He also volunteered to be an emergency contact for us on the trail should any deviations or dangers arise.
The monks will have a phone for emergencies and when possible check-in with him along the way. If any urgent contact is needed, please contact him at: clearmountainmonastery@gmail.com.
Following the hike they’ll be in Seattle for two nights to meet with Venerable Nisabho and friends from the Clear Mountain Sangha for a meal offering in Volunteer Park, on Thursday August 11th.
The monks will rejoin Venerable Tissaro on Saturday August 13th for a group meal and the Garden Party at the Hermitage.