The September 3rd Garden Party: Getting Ready for the Pah Bah

‘Many hands make light work’

It’s that time of year – the Pah Bah celebration is fast approaching, and there’s lots to do in preparation.  There are tent sites to clear for visiting monks who will be camping out, and clean up of small branch piles ahead of driveway improvements, among other light outdoor tasks – all easy for most to participate in, no expertise needed.

This is a wonderful chance to join fellow community members in this beautiful offering of generosity. It’s especially joyous to contribute to getting ready for this auspicious occasion. You can join for any part or all of the day’s schedule, and no signup is required.

Anumodana for all of the beautiful generosity in caring for the land and the Sangha!

The Schedule

Meal Offering: 11:00 AM. Feel free to bring a dish for the potluck style meal offering (please arrive by 10:30 if you’re bringing food).

Garden Work: 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM. Please also feel free to bring any extra garden tools for the day, and dress in your ‘garden clothes.’

Tea: 3:00 pm – 4:00 PM.

Note: If you can’t join on the 3rd but would like to help at another time, please contact Ajahn Sudanto for details at

Bhikkhus, householders are very helpful to you, as they provide you with the requisites of robes, almsfood, lodgings, and medicine. And you, bhikkhus, are very helpful to householders, as you teach them the Dhamma admirable in the beginning, admirable in the middle, and admirable in the end, as you expound the holy life both in its particulars and in its essence, entirely complete, surpassingly pure. In this way, the holy life is lived in mutual dependence, for the purpose of crossing over the flood, for making a complete end to suffering

Khuddaka Nikāya, Itivuttaka 107