The Heart Essence of the Buddha’s Original Teachings
How does one remain motivated and engaged in their practice? This Tuesday Ajahn Sudanto encouraged our Sangha to reignite our communal purpose, our raison d’etre, through a shared reading of Bhikkhu Bodhi’s anthology and most recent work “Noble Truths, Noble Path: The Heart Essence of the Buddha’s Original Teachings.” We will have the opportunity to discuss this text together through mid August’s Dhamma chats. The series starts Tuesday July 4th at the regular Yoga Samadhi Community Meditations 6:30 – 7:30pm.
Ven. Bodhi’s anthology is available in hardcover or as an ebook through Wisdom publications, a nonprofit creating books, courses, and content to support the study and practice of Buddhism. The publishing house has generously offered to give all Sangha members a 20% discount on their purchase from today, June 28th through Friday, June 30th, Extended to through July 4th. This discount extends beyond just this title and would apply to any purchase made directly through their website. Please visit the following web address to order your copy of “Noble Truths, Noble Path: The Heart Essence of the Buddha’s Original Teachings,” apply the code SAVE20 to your order.:
“Noble Truths, Noble Path: The Heart Essence of the Buddha’s Original Teachings.”