The Pacific Hermitage monks begin their annual hiking trip on Tuesday, July 18th. This year’s trip, organized by Bob & Nina Archer, will take the monks to Olympic National Park. Ajahn Sudanto, Tan Suddhiko, and Tan Parimutto will be joined by Ajahns Nisabho and Kovilo for a few days early in the trip.
The monks will return to the Hermitage on July 28th. The discussion of Bhikkhu Bodhi’s new book, ‘Noble Truths, Noble Path’ that began at Yoga Samadhi last Tuesday evening will resume on August 1st when the monks return. (Find more details about these discussions in the previous post.)
Lay members of the community will lead the meditation sessions on Tuesday evenings at Yoga Samadhi on July 18th and July 25th while the monks are away.