It turns out that the monks will be away on Saturday, August 11, so the half-day retreat has been canceled.
Category Archives: News
2018 August News and Events
UPDATE: August 11 Half-day of Meditation has been cancelled. All other regular monthly events (Garden Party and PFoD visit) and Tuesday night sits are on. The monks will participate in an August 18 Walk to Feed the Hungry in Portland. And, calling all woodswomen and woodsmen! Could Use a Little Help in the Forest Forest …
Ajahn Sucitto & Bhante Rahula in Early July
Dates to Remember: JULY 3: Monks will be back from Abhayagiri. JULY 3 – 6: Ajahn Sucitto at Yoga Samadhi (7/3) and Hermitage. JULY 4 – 8: Retreat with Bhante Rahula — REGISTRATION CLOSED. JULY 9: Bhante Rahula at Hermitage for meal. Ajahn Sucitto Visits Hermitage July 3 – 6 Ajahn Sucitto is a senior …
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2018 July News and Events
Monks are away until July 3. Join us for regular monthly events and Tuesday night sits. UPDATE: Ajahn Sucitto visits. **Click here for details. UPDATE: Bhante Rahula visits. **Click here for details. Volunteer needed for September Pah Bah. UPDATE: Abhaygiri Thanksgiving Retreat registration now open. Regular Events — Everyone is Welcome! JULY 7 — Garden Party at the Hermitage. Time: …
Abhayagiri Events & Announcements
June 29 – July 1: Reception hall celebration streamed live July 1: Thanksgiving Retreat Registration opens July 8: Luang Por Pasanno birthday and leave-taking New Reception Hall Celebration Streamed Live Join lay supporters and senior monks from around the world for the reception hall inauguration. The entire event will be livestreamed on Friday, June 29th, Saturday, June …