April Events Begin with a Garden Party — Saturday April 1 Help give the Hermitage grounds a Spring cleaning! Free those spring flowers from the weeds, clean up Winter’s aftermath, and help move what’s left of the woodpile to a more “fire safety” location. All are welcome. Join us for any or all of the …
March 2017 Events
Weekly Meditation and Dhamma Talks Join us every Tuesday evening, 6:30 – 8:00 pm, at Yoga Samadhi in White Salmon, WA. Over the next several weeks, following meditation, Ajahn Sudanto will lead a discussion of the book: The Buddha’s Teachings on Social and Communal Harmony. Everyone is welcome. Cushions and chairs are available. Meal Offerings are …
Buddha’s Teachings on Social and Communal Harmony
Book for Tuesday Night Meditation/Dhamma Talk Over the next few weeks, Ajahn Sudanto plans to reference a book by Bhikkhu Bodhi in his reflections and the discussions at Tuesday night meditation sessions. If you are interested, you should be able to find a paperback of The Buddha’s Teachings on Social and Communal Harmony by Bhikkhu Bodhi online …
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February 2017 Events
The weather seems to be moderating a little bit, many roads are good to passable, and White Salmon hasn’t had temperatures in the teens or single digits for a couple of weeks. Perhaps the monks can now settle into more of a normal “Winter Retreat” routine, rather than working on repairs, heavy-duty snow removal or …
UPDATE: Monks Return January 11 (Delayed)
UPDATE: The monks will now return 1/12 or 1/13, due to weather related problems. Ajahn Sudanto and Tan Kondañño will soon leave a cold and snowy Birken Forest Monastery (British Columbia) … and return to a cold and snowy Hermitage! (In fact, we’ll have to see if this weather allows them to return on Jan. …
Continue reading “UPDATE: Monks Return January 11 (Delayed)”