Cancelled:Tuesday Night Meditation

Given the high likelihood we’ll have significant ice or freezing rain tomorrow night, Tuesday January 16th, we’ve decided to cancel the two meditation sessions we host at Yoga Samadhi. We’ll resume the following week provided the weather is suitable. Thank you for your understanding, and may you all be safe and warm!

April 7 Hermitage Update

Staying Connected with Our Sangha

The monks are healthy and well, and committed to staying connected in these times. Thank you to the more than 1,600 people who have subscribed to the Pacific Hermitage YouTube channel. Ajahn Sudanto has begun live streaming events.[…]

Mindfulness in the Time of Pandemic: Online Retreat from Birken Monastery

May 1-10, 2020: Everyone is Welcome As we step gently into these shifting times, and find our footing amidst uncertainty, Birken Forest Buddhist Monastery and Pacific Hermitage will premiere our first web-based virtual meditation retreat, centered on the Four Foundations of Mindfulness. Ajahn Sona, Ajahn Sudanto, and other resident monks will lead meditators around the …