There’s a second Garden Party (community work day) this month. It will replace the one scheduled for May 7. The Oregon Grape and many other plants (and weeds) are springing to life at the Hermitage! Since the monks will be away the next couple of “first Saturdays,” and the yard can’t really wait two months, …
Category Archives: Events
Celebrate Abhayagiri’s 20th Anniversary!
Join a local group traveling to California to attend the celebration! This year marks the 20th Anniversary of Abhayagiri Monastery, the first US monastery established by followers of Ajahn Chah and the parent monastery of the Pacific Hermitage. If you’d like to join a local group that is traveling down to help celebrate this event, …
April Events
Rainbows! April brings lots of rainbows, garden color (and yard work!) and the end of monastic Winter Retreat. Starting April 2, the Hermitage is jumping directly from three months of relative silence into a busy month of activities, including yard clean up, half-day retreats and regular weekends at Portland Friends of the Dhamma. Join in! April …
A Look Ahead at 2016
The forecast for the Pacific Hermitage is … bountiful! There’s been plenty of snow so far, and the look ahead calls for flurries of visitors and events throughout the year. Along with recurring weekly and monthly events (see end of article), there are a number of special opportunities to learn from and associate with wonderful …
May Weekend Retreat with Bhante Rahula
May 20 – 22, 2016, White Salmon, Washington Bhante Rahula, a senior Theravada monk who conducts retreats around the world, will be leading a three-day meditation retreat, May 20-22, 2016, at Mountain View Grange, 1085 N. Main Ave., White Salmon, WA. Space is limited and registrations (required) will be accepted on a first come, first …