February 5th marks the return of Ajahn Sudanto to the Hermitage and the beginning of a visit by Ajahn Karunadhammo. It also marks the middle of the monastic Winter Retreat (January – March), so a word about what this means might be helpful. During Winter Retreat, monastics set aside time to live in greater silence …
A Look Ahead at 2016
The forecast for the Pacific Hermitage is … bountiful! There’s been plenty of snow so far, and the look ahead calls for flurries of visitors and events throughout the year. Along with recurring weekly and monthly events (see end of article), there are a number of special opportunities to learn from and associate with wonderful …
May Weekend Retreat with Bhante Rahula
May 20 – 22, 2016, White Salmon, Washington Bhante Rahula, a senior Theravada monk who conducts retreats around the world, will be leading a three-day meditation retreat, May 20-22, 2016, at Mountain View Grange, 1085 N. Main Ave., White Salmon, WA. Space is limited and registrations (required) will be accepted on a first come, first …
Silence, Snow, Practice
Ajahn Away Dec. 9, 2015 – Feb. 4, 2016 — It’s getting near the monastic Winter Retreat, and since a ride and meditation hut are available, Ajahn Sudanto has accepted an offer to begin the first part of his retreat a little early at Birken Forest Monastery. Ajahn will return Feb. 4, 2016 and complete Winter …
A Beautiful Space for Five Years
Yoga Samadhi studio in White Salmon has hosted the regular Tuesday night sits, half-day retreats and special events, free of charge, for five years now. The monks took a moment Tuesday night, after Ajahn Thanissaro’s (Geoff) talk, to express their deep gratitude to owners Kathy and Jim Kacena and give them the beautiful Buddha image …