Ajahn Away Dec. 9, 2015 – Feb. 4, 2016 — It’s getting near the monastic Winter Retreat, and since a ride and meditation hut are available, Ajahn Sudanto has accepted an offer to begin the first part of his retreat a little early at Birken Forest Monastery. Ajahn will return Feb. 4, 2016 and complete Winter …
Author Archives: Sudanto
A Beautiful Space for Five Years
Yoga Samadhi studio in White Salmon has hosted the regular Tuesday night sits, half-day retreats and special events, free of charge, for five years now. The monks took a moment Tuesday night, after Ajahn Thanissaro’s (Geoff) talk, to express their deep gratitude to owners Kathy and Jim Kacena and give them the beautiful Buddha image …
Birken Mini-Retreat 2015
The stars aligned and circumstances converged recently in a way that allowed a small group of Gorge practitioners to enjoy a six-day retreat at Birken Forest Monastery, while at the same time taking Ajahn Sudanto and Tan Suhajjo up to Birken’s Kathina (alms-giving celebration similar to our Pah Bah) and a brief retreat of their …
Ajahn Thanissaro (Geoff) Visits!
Ajahn Thanissaro (Geoff) will be visiting Portland beginning this Thursday and staying for a few days, and will come to White Salmon for the regular Tuesday night sit (Nov. 10). Please see the Hermitage Calendar or the Portland Friends of the Dhamma website for information on Portland events this coming Friday, Saturday and Sunday (Nov. …
Many Show Interest in May Birken (2016) Retreat
The time for letting us know of your interest in the May 2016 Birken Forest Monastery retreat has come and gone. Twenty-five people emailed Bob to indicate their interest for the 12 slots that were available. Bob will email everyone when the “yogi list” and “waiting list” are finalized. A small number of additional slots …
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