Abhayagiri Events & Announcements

June 29 – July 1:   Reception hall celebration streamed live July 1:  Thanksgiving Retreat Registration opens July 8:  Luang Por Pasanno birthday and leave-taking New Reception Hall Celebration Streamed Live Join lay supporters and senior monks from around the world for the reception hall inauguration.  The entire event will be livestreamed on Friday, June 29th, Saturday, June …

Abhayagiri Announces Thanksgiving Retreat: Nov. 17-25, 2018

November 17-25, 2018 at Mount Madonna Center in Watsonville, CA (near Santa Cruz) Registration will be open July 1 – 31, 2018 Abhayagiri Monastery in Redwood Valley, California and the Sanghapala Foundation invite you to join Ajahn Sudanto, Ajahn Karunadhammo, Ajahn Nyaniko, Debbie Stamp and others from the Abhayagiri Community for a 9-day retreat over the …